Resetting rooms and areas and create a harmonious ecosystem in a area.
Service Description
We all have an awareness and understanding of physical hygiene. We clean and take care of our surroundings. And just as it can be messy and dirty on the physical level, the same goes for the energetic level. As in the physical, if you don’t clean up for a long time, eventually imbalances and damages start to occur. Similarly, the same thing happens energetically. Typical signs of imbalances Typical signs of imbalances in an area might be; high level of conflict between the people living there, stress, tiredness, difficulties in focusing, difficulties in getting things accomplished, insomnia, increased disease rates and difficulties in making changes to support your growth, to mention a few. So how do we take care of issues on an energetic level? In IKYA Space Clearing we have the ability to map out and work with an area in a very holistic and precise way. We work with the total ecosystem facilitating deep healing and growth for the whole area. Typically after a Space Clearing, you will experience the area as harmonious, spacious, uplifting, supporting and deeply nourishing. When do we recommend Space Clearing? Optimally IKYA Aligned Space Clearing is something everyone should do regularly as a part of taking care of their environment and themselves. There are certain conditions though, when IKYA Aligned Space Clearing is more essential: • When moving to a new surrounding. Having reset the space and cleared the energetic waste and programs, left from the people who lived there earlier. Getting the space adjusted to you and visa versa. • When there are many conflicts and imbalances within a family constellation. • When you are frequently ill or have developed a chronic disease. • When you often get tired, get headaches or have difficulties with focusing and concentrating in your home or at your workplace. • When you would like to work more effectively with your growth, and to integrate positive changes. • Where different kinds of therapy is being offered. During a therapy session, people are releasing a lot of energies, and this kind of build-up will also effect other patients as well as the people working there. • Any place where many people are coming together as schools, kindergartens, health centers , hotels, stores, different workplaces etc. An IKYA Aligned Space Clearing takes around 1-2 hours, and the price is kr. 1 500 per hour. Travel expenses come in addition.
Cancellation Policy
IKYA TERAPI/ ALLE TERAPIFORMER AVBESTILLINGSREGLER Dersom du blir forhindret fra å møte eller dersom du ønsker å endre tidspunktet, ber vi deg vennligst kansellere denne avtalen. Det er 2 virkedagers avbestillingsfrist. Ved eventuell akutt sykdom innenfor 2 virkedager før din avtalte time, må det fremlegges legeerklæring. Om ikke legeerklæring er fremvist vil timen bli fakturert i sin helhet. SMITTEVERNTILTAK I KORONA PERIODEN Klinikken holder åpent som vanlig, dersom du har luftveissymtomer eller er i karantene, ber vi deg heller booke en online behandling. KURS AVBESTILLINGSREGLER Det er 2 virkedagers avbestillingsfrist på påmeldte kurs. Det er ikke anledning å avbryte påbegynt kurs. Dersom påbegynte kurs avbrytes etter deltakers eget ønske, må likevel kurset betales inn i sin helhet. (unntak ved lengre kurs, hvor det eksplisitt er gitt anledning til å være med første kursdag). Ved eventuell akutt sykdom innenfor 2 virkedager, eller etter påbegynt kurs, må det fremlegges legeerklæring. Om ikke legeerklæring er fremvist vil kurset bli fakturert i sin helhet.
Contact Details
Karenslyst Alle 9B, 0278 Oslo IKYA Clinic AS, Karenslyst Allé, Oslo, Norway