Embody and live your full potential!
Service Description
KYA Bodywork works specifically with the consciousness in the body. Assisting your body consciousness to heal and become more aligned to your true essence. IKYA Bodywork, works directly on the disharmonies between your inner and outer world and your body. It assists you in being able to embody your true potential and live it. Express and create a life of love in a body you love. Typical issues IKYA Bodywork assists you in, can be: You know there is nothing to be afraid of speaking in public, but your body reacts beyond your control, with fear, anxiety, trembling, sweating, blushing, can't think straight and forgets what you planned to say, your voice is shaking etc. You have different ideas on what you want to do or create, it could be everything from changing habits to manifest a project, and your body reacts with different symptoms of resistance; like suddenly becoming tired, getting a headache, you are not able to focus, your mind gets foggy or unclear, you suddenly just want to eat something, finding different excuses on why you cannot to it today, but have to wait until tomorrow etc. Dissolving issues around intimacy. You want to be more intimate, open, active and receiving in your relationships, but your body reacts with resistance to it. Review: Marie is a very professional, warm and focused therapist, who is very safe and comfortable to go to. You feel extremely well taken care of, and she is highly competent in what she does. As her client of bodywork treatments, I experience more and more connected with my own body and inner essence. I feel a stronger connection to who I really am, and my body has become an ever better place to be and live in. The effect of the treatments is strikingly strong, both during and after the treatment, and I experience an ever stronger clarity, contact and strength in my own life. Marie is a rare capacity as a therapist, and the treatment is very effective in changing the experience of being present in one's own life, as more and more as oneself. I can strongly recommend going to Marie for bodywork, for those who want to have a better relationship with themselves, and for the experience of living the full potential of their lives, through their own body. Psychologist - Oslo Norway
Cancellation Policy
IKYA TERAPI/ ALLE TERAPIFORMER AVBESTILLINGSREGLER Dersom du blir forhindret fra å møte eller dersom du ønsker å endre tidspunktet, ber vi deg vennligst kansellere denne avtalen. Det er 2 virkedagers avbestillingsfrist. Ved eventuell akutt sykdom innenfor 2 virkedager før din avtalte time, må det fremlegges legeerklæring. Om ikke legeerklæring er fremvist vil timen bli fakturert i sin helhet. SMITTEVERNTILTAK I KORONA PERIODEN Klinikken holder åpent som vanlig, dersom du har luftveissymtomer eller er i karantene, ber vi deg heller booke en online behandling. KURS AVBESTILLINGSREGLER Det er 2 virkedagers avbestillingsfrist på påmeldte kurs. Det er ikke anledning å avbryte påbegynt kurs. Dersom påbegynte kurs avbrytes etter deltakers eget ønske, må likevel kurset betales inn i sin helhet. (unntak ved lengre kurs, hvor det eksplisitt er gitt anledning til å være med første kursdag). Ved eventuell akutt sykdom innenfor 2 virkedager, eller etter påbegynt kurs, må det fremlegges legeerklæring. Om ikke legeerklæring er fremvist vil kurset bli fakturert i sin helhet.
Contact Details
Karenslyst Allé 9b, Oslo, Norway