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Assisting you in your next step of your evolution, healing and growth.

1 h 30 min
2,062 Norwegian kroner
IKYA Clinic

Service Description

IKYA THERAPY IKYA Treatment is based on ancient wisdom and knowledge on the coherence between consciousness, manifestation, vibration/frequency and health. It is a highly advanced and modern kind of Vibrational Medicine. It works with the very purpose of your life, existence and why you are here - aligning you to what you are as spirit, your life journey and your true purpose. The fundamental approach in IKYA is that you are defined as Atma (soul) - as being your true nature - and your body and your life is a consequence of your consciousness. In the state of Atma, you are in a state of absolute potentials, absolute creation and absolute balance. The more your consciousness is aligned to your true nature as Atma, the more your life will be an expression of your true potentials. An IKYA treatment will assist you in: • Awakening to your true essence. • Aligning you to your highest potentials. • Connecting you to the bigger pictures, understanding your true purpose. • Learn how to transcend your consciousness, from the one creating the blockages to the one healing and dissolving them. • Enhance the intelligence to heal yourself. • Enhance your ability to listen, communicate and navigate in life • Create your life from your true essence 
Among suitable issues for IKYA Treatment are: Strengthening your spiritual growth. Ability to listen to what is right for you. Independency. Existential crises and confusion. Lack of contact with your source. Stress,  Concentration difficulties. Fatigue. Anxiety. Destructive patterns. Conflicts in relationships. Different kind of addictions.

Cancellation Policy

IKYA TERAPI/ ALLE TERAPIFORMER AVBESTILLINGSREGLER Dersom du blir forhindret fra å møte eller dersom du ønsker å endre tidspunktet, ber vi deg vennligst kansellere denne avtalen. Det er 2 virkedagers avbestillingsfrist. Ved eventuell akutt sykdom innenfor 2 virkedager før din avtalte time, må det fremlegges legeerklæring. Om ikke legeerklæring er fremvist vil timen bli fakturert i sin helhet. SMITTEVERNTILTAK I KORONA PERIODEN Klinikken holder åpent som vanlig, dersom du har luftveissymtomer eller er i karantene, ber vi deg heller booke en online behandling. KURS AVBESTILLINGSREGLER Det er 2 virkedagers avbestillingsfrist på påmeldte kurs. Det er ikke anledning å avbryte påbegynt kurs. Dersom påbegynte kurs avbrytes etter deltakers eget ønske, må likevel kurset betales inn i sin helhet. (unntak ved lengre kurs, hvor det eksplisitt er gitt anledning til å være med første kursdag). Ved eventuell akutt sykdom innenfor 2 virkedager, eller etter påbegynt kurs, må det fremlegges legeerklæring. Om ikke legeerklæring er fremvist vil kurset bli fakturert i sin helhet.

Contact Details

  • Karenslyst Allé 9b, Oslo, Norway


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